Friday, November 27, 2020

Tight! How to build up pressure with your feet - part 1

Let's be honest: many men like it when their penis is tightly embraced - be it with your hand, your mouth or even your feet! Here you will find out what you can do if you want to get down to business!

You won't need most of the tips here if you just practice for a while and try things out. But if you want to have a little help to get started, this is the right place for you! The tips you get here are all derived from the anatomy of your feet. Some of them are of course a bit different from person to person - I try to go into them when it comes up. But before I explain how you can use your feet in this way, I would like to show you which three types we can fundamentally distinguish.

Look at your foot from the side. If you are one of those people who have a normal arch of foot, you should see something like this here. Your foot lifts up between your toes and your heel. If you were to paint the soles of your feet and walk over a piece of paper, these would be the marks you would leave behind. They show you which areas of the soles of your feet are in contact with the ground and which are not (shown in red here):

This is an ordinary foot, it is described as "normal". Over the years, however, the arch of the foot may lose some of its strength and the foot may lower slightly. In extreme cases it looks like this:

In the vernacular this condition is called "flatfoot". Some have it from birth, others develop it over time. Such a foot has ground contact almost everywhere.
I would also like to show you a third form:

With the hollow foot, the foot-vault is so strongly distinctive that only toes and ball, as well as the heel rests on the ground. The rest has hardly any contact. Of course there are other forms, but these are the ones I would like to go into further.
Now that you have an idea of which group your feet belong to, we can get started and go over their advantages in one position or another. For many things it doesn't matter what your foot looks like, for others you may have it easier or harder. But nothing is impossible! This is what the exercise does ;-)

But well, back to the real issue: how do you get his best piece to be put through the wringer? I would like to explain this to you with a few examples. We go through a few positions and show how to intensify the grip. Often it is only small changes that make a big difference! Let's get started!

The Classic

Let's start with this position. If you want to know in detail how to do this and especially how to manage your energy well, please read my blog post. To repeat: the feet are more or less parallel and the penis is put between them. In this position you can already exert a lot of force because the opening between your feet is very narrow. If you have a normal or a hollow foot, the arches of your feet work together like a funnel which makes it easier for the penis to slide between your feet when you move them slowly from above over the glans downwards. However, the insides of your feet rather form a straight line. As a result, the penis might slip away from time to time, especially when it is very erect.

You can counteract this by tilting your feet slightly outwards. This will open up your arch and the insides of your feet, which run along the penis, now have a more curved shape.

You may not be able to exert as much pressure on the penis if your foot is shaped so that both the balls of your feet and heels touch. What you can try in this case - but also otherwise - is to put your feet slightly on top of each other. This will make the opening smaller and the pressure greater. But be careful: in this way you will force your best piece into a curve. Depending on how sensitive he is, this can lead to pain (you might want to have a look at my article on "Footplay"). But allowed is what pleases! Talk to your partner and be alert to what pleases him. Then nothing can go wrong.

If you made it here, then "Thank you!" This is the most detailed article so far and also the first one in a long time. Please let me know in the comments if you liked the article and if you would like to see more of such details. There will definitely be a sequel to the article here, that's for sure! Because there are so many ways to make the penis really hard with your feet! But there is one more thing I have to say: if I write that you better ask your partner what he likes: the same applies vice versa, of course. If you have preferences or if you don't feel comfortable in some positions: let him know that too!
Until then: take care and have fun experimenting!

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